Text & Translation
Joseph Butler

> Deutsch


Since 2009 Freelance editor and translator with focus on finance (bonds, fixed income, forex, equity, economics) and corporate communications.

2008-2009 in Language Service of HypoVereinsbank (a UniCredit Group bank).
Tasks: Proofreading, translation, editing, project management. Proofreader and editor of English section of UniCredit Group intranet. Responsible for English translation of staff magazine, One.

2004-2008 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Project manager of EU-sponsored online learning project Jobline LMU, Job applications in English. In team developed concept for new site. Site editor and technical supervisor. Other tasks included budget and advertising. Jobline LMU was the most successful project (in terms of number of users) in the project association SprachChancen. From 2002-2003 project team member.

2006-2007 Design consultant, editor and layout (InDesign) of Munich English Language Teachers Association newsletter, MELTA News (4 issues)

1997-2008 Founder, designer, webmaster (html) and content manager of Munich English Language Teachers Association (MELTA) website

1998-2000 Editor und co-author of magazine for young people for learning English, Spot on, from Spotlight Verlag

1995-99 Editor and layout of association newsletters of Munich English Language Teachers Association (9 issues) and SIETAR Deutschland (3 issues)

1998 Content writer for self-study CDs for learning English at Digital Publishing

1996 Langenscheidt Verlag author: Teste Dein Amerikanisch (Test your American English), self-study paperback for learning English

1994-98 lecturer for English at TUM, Technische Universität München, in Munich

to 1998 freelance teacher of English at various companies in and around Munich (Siemens, Bayerische Vereinsbank)